Private Security Guard Services in California
Protecting Businesses and Commercial Establishments in California against intrusion.
Golden State Protective Services employs California State Certified Security Officers.
Contact us now to explore how we can best serve your security needs.
Why You Should Hire Private Security Guards
Most small businesses must eventually confront the reality that thefts and other crimes often occur on business premises. Some businesses, such as convenience stores, late night fast food, and retail stores are more of a target for criminals and petty thieves than other businesses, but a wide variety of businesses choose to hire private security guards.
Private Security Guards are used to prevent crime, maintain security, inspire confidence, and assist customers and employees. Business owners should assess the many benefits of hiring a private security guard before making the decision to hire a security company.
State of California Certified Private Security Guard Company
What separates us from rest of Private Security Guard Companies is that we do all our own In-House Training including Guard Card and Firearms under State of California Certification Standards.

GSPS Private Security Guard Services:
Commercial Building Security
Business Property Security
Residential Security
Vehicle Patrol Service
How Private Security Guards Can Help Secure Your Business and Customers
The Promise of Security
The mere presence of a security guard is a great deterrent to crime. Thieves will think twice about targeting a business that has uniformed protection and, look for a softer target. Our professional guards are trained to constantly look for suspicious activity on the spot. They can assess a situation and react immediately to security breaches. It is well established that a guard is a greater visual deterrent than just camera surveillance or a security alarm. It sends a message to potential criminals that you are serious about the security of your business, and that they are not welcome.
Customer Service
Good security guards can also be customer service ambassadors. A guard may sit at a front desk or act as a sentry to control building access. This can mean that there is regular interaction with customers and clients. Our guards can help direct people and get to the right location in a business. A guard can also be available as an escort for customers and employees to get to their cars after dark, which makes everyone feel better. Hiring Golden State Protective Services personable and capable guards lets you communicate that your business is secure and customer oriented.
Handling Suspected Crime
Security guards receive varying levels of training when it comes to actively responding to a crime, depending on the type of business. Some may simply take down details and contact the police. Others may be able to detain suspects. It is up to the business to decide whether to have an armed or unarmed guard, and what procedures should be in place for handling a suspect should a crime occur. Golden State Protective Service guards are trained to handle all levels of security. Hiring a trained and licensed guard from a reputable company ensures that the guard behaves capably and sensibly when faced with criminal activity on business premises.
Other Duties
Not all security guards spend their time on active patrol of a business property. A security professional can be employed to monitor video surveillance, check credentials, inspect for contraband, verify manifests, or restrict access to an area. A security guard should have specific goals, loss prevention, keeping an eye on the grounds after hours, and opening or closing a business for the day. These monitoring duties take most of the security responsibility off the shoulders of the business owner and their employees and, allows them to focus on their real jobs.
Vehicle Patrol Service
Some businesses do not require or need a Fixed Guard but would like to have spot patrols done on the physical premise of the business. We provide a unique Marked Patrol Vehicle Patrol Service and will work with you to determine recommendations for such random patrol checks, This would included but limited to checking of Roll Up Gates, Door Checks, Window Security, Company Vehicle Checks left on premises, and Lock Ups if necessary.